This loan portfolio is managed by the bank’s Enterprise Lending Department.
It is designed to cater “Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises” for capital, purchase of fixed assets and project financing.
For New Clients
Small Business Loan
P 50,000 - P 1,000,000
Term Loan
2 - 18 months
Secured loan for additional working capital for business expansion or purchases related to business operation such as supplies, inventories, equipment and other fixed assets.
Enterprising Business Loan
Above P 1,000,000 - P 5,000,000
Credit Line / Term Loan
2 - 36 months
Secured loan for additional working capital for business expansion or purchases related to business operation such as supplies, inventories, equipment and other fixed assets.
For Existing EBI Clients
Loans againsts ADB on Deposit
P 50,000 - P 1,000,000
Credit Line
6 months or 180 days
Flexible Interest
Designed to assist thriving small entrepreneurs who are at the same time existing depositors of the bank.